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Check These Common Places For Mold In Your Home

Check These Common Places For Mold In Your Home

Mold in the home can cause a variety of health problems, from mild allergic reactions to severe illness depending on the type of mold, the amount of mold, and the duration of exposure. Mold needs three main elements to survive: food, water, and oxygen. Mold feeds on any organic matter, which is why it is often seen on food, wood, dirt, fabric, drywall, and more. If mold is seen growing on plastic or glass, it is actually growing on the dust and dirt particles on those items. Mold also needs some moisture to thrive and can often be found in very damp areas. If left untreated, mold spores will continue to multiply and can cause damage or discolouration to areas of your home. To avoid illness and home damage, check your home for mold so it can be properly addressed.

Where To Look For Mold In Each Room

The Bathroom
The bathroom is typically the dampest room in the house and if it’s not properly ventilated mold can grow in a variety of places.

  • Shower And Bathtub. In the shower and bathtub, mold likes to hide on plastic or cloth shower curtains, in the grout, the faucet and showerhead, and even in materials like face cloths and loofahs.
  • Sinks And Toilets. Mold grows where your sink meets your counter and the area on the inner toilet bowl where water comes down. Both of these areas are very difficult to clean even though they are constantly exposed to organic matter and moisture.
  • Bathroom Walls And Floors. These surfaces are susceptible to mold growth when there is a leak or if towels hanging near the wall are preventing airflow to sections of the wall. If this is the case, towels are likely also growing mold.

The Kitchen
There is a lot of organic matter for mold to feast on in the kitchen and this room tends to have numerous places that easily trap food or oil. Make sure to clean your cupboards, trashcans, and spaces between counters regularly.

  • The Kitchen Sink. The space under the sink tends to get very warm, has minimal airflow, and because many people store their garbage and compost here, organic matter is always present. Small leaks under the sink can also easily go unnoticed and can become a breeding ground for mold. The kitchen sink in general is exposed to a lot of organic material, repeatedly gets wet and has little time to dry, and has sponges, dishcloths, or rags that tend to sit and collect bacteria, all of which facilitate mold growth.
  • The Fridge And Pantry. The fridge is a hotbed for mold since it has all kinds of organic material and is humid.  We’ve all seen moldy food in the fridge before, but check on the shelves, in drawers, and on the door as well. Anything spilled or any particles left over are susceptible to mold and you don’t want those spores contaminating your food.
  • Microwave And Stove. These areas tend to have a lot of food splatter that doesn’t always get cleaned, especially in the hard-to-reach areas. Give these appliances a good wipe down and pull them out regularly to clean the surrounding areas to help prevent mold in the kitchen.

The Bedroom And Living Room
Although these rooms tend to be less rich in moisture and organic material than other rooms, those elements still exist in the bedroom and living room. These areas often don’t have a fan for air circulation like a kitchen or bathroom does. While it may be unpleasant to consider that you’re sleeping, sitting, or walking on mold, that’s the exact reason you should check these areas.

  • Windowsills. Check the windowsills throughout the house, as condensation tends to build on the windows and sit on the wood frames, creating an environment where mold can easily grow. Even when it’s cold outside, mold can still grow on the windows since a home typically stays warm inside.
  • Mattress And Upholstery. Mold loves material, especially material that doesn’t get washed. Since mold thrives in a moist environment, it is most likely to grow when your furniture is mildly damp. The risk of mold growth increases when the humidity of your home is high or the furniture is frequently damp from kids coming inside after playing in the sprinkler or bathing, dogs coming in after a rainy day, or even people sweating. Mattresses and couches are frequently occupied for prolonged periods and the long exposure to human sweat can increase mold risk.

Help Your Home And Your Health With Calgary Mold Remediation

If you check these areas and discover mold, have it removed safely and in its entirety. If mold is not completely removed, the spores will continue to grow and the mold will return. To ensure complete mold remediation, call the mold removal experts at 24/7 Restoration. Our mold remediation team includes several Alberta certified technicians and multiple team members extensively experienced in the removal of hazardous materials. With mold remediation from 24/7 Restoration in Calgary, you can rest assured that all traces of mold are completely removed for the protection of you and your home. For mold remediation services in Calgary, call 24/7 Restoration at 1-403-247-4365 or fill out the online contact form.


Q: How can I be sure that the mold is effectively remediated by 24/7 Restoration? 
A: A licensed third party will inspect and provide clearance after remediation. We will also lab-test your home for remaining traces of mold.

Q: What does mold look like?
A: The most common mold you might find in your home is known as alternaria. It has a soft, fuzzy texture and is typically brown or green in colour. Another type of mold in the home is commonly known as ‘black mold’, or stachybotrys chartarum. There are many other types of spores that can grow in the home and a professional mold removal technician will identify and remediate the issue.

Q: How can I prevent mold?
A: Some ways to prevent mold are to:

  • Keep your house dry, particularly rooms that are frequently exposed to moisture or have poor circulation
  • Fix any leaks in the home
  • Turn off humidifiers if the windows show condensation/fog
  • Don’t leave wet material sitting in an enclosed space
  • Clean humidifiers and dehumidifiers often
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